Typing fingers diagram
Typing fingers diagram

typing fingers diagram

The time has come to go back to doing what he is good at: helping people. Born again, Santa Claus jumps on his sleigh.

typing fingers diagram

The days seem longer, the sun breaks through the clouds, birds have started chirping again. It is like a weight has fallen off his shoulders. No more unnecessary administrative tasks, only the bare necessities. He has made a resolute decision and shuts down his computer. But what can he do? The use of elves has been prohibited by the occupational health service a long time ago. They did not even mention this during his job interview. He just wants to make children happy and see that smile on their faces. He has to fill out a checklist for each present, and usually in triplicate. His reindeer look at him sadly, he has been typing for weeks. 18 We sought to investigate the typing skills of the healthcare community in two large university hospitals in the Netherlands.īox 1 Santa Claus themed paragraph for typing test A pilot study on British physicians even suggested that more time spent on writing notes might be associated with a reduction in emotional wellbeing and engagement in work. The overall gap in knowledge in medical typing skills is in stark contrast with its potential importance because typing is now essential for a large proportion of daily tasks. For context, the average typist will generally manage 40-50 words per min, while advanced typists can easily achieve more than 100 words per min. 16 In a study of 104 medical residents from the USA, Kalava and colleagues 16 reported a median typing speed of 36.3 words per min. Physicians’ handwriting has been studied a handful of times since at least 1979, 5 however, only one small scale study has assessed their typing skills. However, almost nothing is known about the typing proficiency of the medical community. 11 12 13 14 15 The large number of administrative tasks, including writing medical notes, in addition to a typically high pressure work environment, makes typing a vital skill for medical workers. Physicians spend up to 50% of their day on administrative tasks in electronic health records, 8 9 10 which leads to decreased job satisfaction, among many other effects. 5 6 7ĭespite, or perhaps because of, the introduction of electronic health records, healthcare professionals are faced with an ever increasing administrative work load. 4 Of course, use of electronic health records also avoids healthcare workers’ stereotypically illegible handwriting, which has the potential of leading to medical errors. Intelligent use of electronic health records can improve the quality of healthcare, 1 2 3 and enable unprecedented linkage of health data, thereby aiding a nationwide research efforts. Much of this writing nowadays takes place in electronic health records, which facilitate an up-to-date, interdisciplinary overview of a patient's medical information. Writing medical notes is an inevitable reality for all healthcare professionals.


Of all professional groups, medical staff reported the most negative feelings towards administration (mean VAS-WRITE score of 33.5 (standard deviation 22.9)). Women were less negative towards administration than were men (mean difference VAS-WRITE score 7.68 (standard error 1.17), (95% confidence interval 5.33 to 10.03), P<0.001). The corrected typing speed did not differ between genders (0.5 (0.9) words, (−1.4 to 2.4), P=0.61). Typing speed decreased significantly with every age decade (rho −0.51, P<0.001), and people with a history of completing a typing course were more than 20% faster than those who had not (mean difference 12.1 words (standard error 0.8), (95% confidence interval 10.6 to 13.6), P<0.001). Respondents’ mean typing speed was 60.1 corrected words per minute (standard deviation 20.8 range 8.0-136.6) with substantial differences between professions and specialties, in which physicians in internal medicine were the fastest among the medical professionals.

typing fingers diagram

Results Between 18 and, a representative cohort of 2690 study participants was recruited (1942 (72.2%) were younger than 40 years 2065 (76.8%) were women).

Typing fingers diagram